Love, Joy, Peace...
At the heart of our community is learning to be and make disciples of Jesus. This page contains links to tools and resources to help you connect with God through prayer and the Word. Wherever possible, we encourage you to use these tools in community with other followers of Jesus.

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  • YouVersion App: a free Bible app with reading plans and more
  • Dwell App: a subscription based audio Bible app with rich features
  • Bible Project: free Bible study videos, courses, articles, and more


  • Waymarks: if your group has completed 'Introducing Local Houses of Prayer', this is a useful next step.
  • The Prayer Course: a course for small groups (created by 24/7 Prayer).
  • Practicing the Way: Cultivating spiritual practices to become more like Christ. When you sign up and choose a church, be sure to choose Australia as the country and look for 'Bentley Baptist Church'.
  • See also the Bible Project which has a number of excellent Bible Studies.

Discipling Culture

A series of studies exploring what it means to be and make disciples.

  1. The Ways, Words and Works of Jesus. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  2. People of Peace: like, listen, serve. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  3. People of Peace: relational pathways. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  4. People of Peace: obvious places. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  5. Discovery Bible Method. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  6. Spiritual Conversations. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  7. Jesus' Discipleship Strategy. Video Teaching | Study Notes
  8. Discipling Christians. Video Teaching | Study Notes