Love, Joy, Peace...
Small Group Registration
We believe in small groups as vehicles for deepening relationships, discipleship, and mission. Small group leaders are essential for small group health and are accountable to the Church through the Lead Pastor. If you would like to apply to become a small group leader, download ‘Small Groups at Bentley Baptist’ at the link below and complete the following form, or complete and lodge the paper version in the download. You can also use this form to register a small group venue.
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Leader Details
Your Phone Number
Your Address
This is not necessarily the meeting address. See below to register the venue.
Leader Application Checklist
I am a church member over 18 years of age
I agree with the church’s doctrine, mission and values
I have read the ‘Small Groups at Bentley Baptist’ policy document
I will endeavour to attend small group leaders meetings when possible
I have completed a Safe Ministry Check or will do before the group starts
Venue Details
If the venue is not confirmed this can be completed at a later time.
Proposed venue address and description
e.g. ‘Home of Joe Bloggs’, 59 Chapman Rd, Bentley
Venue Checklist
I have permission to use the venue
The meeting can be held without causing nuisance to neigbours
The location is accessible to intended participants
The location is free from electrical hazards
The location is free of trip hazards (or appropriate measures are in place)
There are no other potential hazards I am aware of
The venue can comfortably hold the planned number of participants
Will children under 18 be present at the meeting, or at the location during the meeting?
If yes, we will discuss appropriate safety measures, if needed