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The Day of Pentecost holds a special place in the hearts of Christians around the world as we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the early followers. This day marked the birth of the Christian church, catalysing the spread of the gospel and the growth of the church and continues to hold spiritual significance in the lives of believers.

We are living in the days that generations of God’s people prayed for and dreamed of - the days of God with us in Jesus and on His return to heaven, God with us still in every moment through the Holy Spirit.

 ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.’

What a wonderful time to be alive! We live in the days when the Spirit came to create a new community, a new expression of God’s people with us and in us and through us!

You and your church community are warmly invited to join others from Baptist churches across the city to remember this extraordinary and once long-awaited birth and to celebrate the gift of God’s everyday presence through his Spirit. The evening, facilitated by the wonderful team from Everyday Contemplation will be an experience of contemplative practices, long part of the tradition of the Christian Church in a relaxed and quiet environment so that we can be attentive to the presence of our good God.

In the Glow of Pentecost - A Contemplative Experience*
Thursday 16 May. 6.45-8.45pm
Riverton Baptist Community Church
38 Modillion Ave N. Shelley WA 6148

* This is a free ticketed event, with registrations being essential for catering and building capacity limitations. Registrations close 14 May.