We at The Praise Project, supported by Gosnells Baptist Church, are seeking to joyfully magnify Jesus through God-centred worship music. Our deep hope is to see King Jesus increasingly glorified in our churches, and the hearts of His people stirred to adore Him more. We've been writing and producing music, with the local church in mind, as we strive to provide songs that might bless your congregations.

On the 25th of May, at 7pm, we're holding a Worship Night at Gosnells Baptist Church, where we will present our debut EP - Our God is King.  (A note from Pastor Alex - we sang this at the Baptist Pastor's Conference and it went off! It's a great song!)

If you'd like to find more information, you can do so on the following platforms: 




You can register for the event with this link: https://www.trybooking.com/CRDEA 

See the first single we recently released here on Spotify.